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Want to send us Gear for Review?

How We Do Business: Our Values in Action

We're passionate about providing our viewers with unbiased and informative product reviews. Companies are welcome to send us products for consideration, and we're happy to review them based on our honest experience.

Here's what to expect:

  • Free and Independent Reviews: We maintain complete editorial control over our reviews, ensuring our opinions are based solely on the product's merits.

  • Transparency is Key: We disclose that we received the product free of charge for review purposes.

  • Constructive Feedback: We provide detailed feedback, highlighting both the product's strengths and weaknesses.

  • Publication Not Guaranteed: We reserve the right to not publish a review if the product doesn't align with our content or quality standards.

  • Review Timeline at Our Discretion: We cannot guarantee a specific date for when a review will be published or featured in our videos.

  • No Contracts for Free Gear: While we're happy to consider products sent for review, we do not sign contracts or agreements for free gear.

Do you have Specific Needs?

If you require specific promotional messaging or input into the review process, we offer paid sponsorship opportunities. Let's discuss how we can tailor a campaign to meet your needs.

By submitting a product, you acknowledge these terms.

Contact us at for our shipping information. 

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